Thursday, April 9, 2015

Your Reflection

So I've noticed that since I started dating "Him", I've been taking a more active interest in my own appearance. Not enough to completely change myself. But enough that I care not just roll outta bed before he sees me.

Which for my lazy-butt is an actual accomplishment. In my daily routine as long as I wash my behind and brush my teeth I'm doing good! No make-up, no hair styling no perfume and all that crap. Just my natural self. And honestly if I do say so myself I look pretty damn good!

And he certainly thought so, because he spends most of time staring at me as I'm working, he thinks I often don't notice him but I really do. Kinda hard not too when a 6'0 foot guy with soft brown eyes is towering from a distance and looking at you from across the room. He's too tall not to be noticed! I've never been much of a girly-girl. But let me tell you. On occasions I catch myself putting on eyeliner, or wearing the right bra and undies set just so I look decent.

Ha, tmi I'm sure. But he makes me feel confident, like I could take on the world. And above all that I look beautiful and sexy. He tells me that once a day. Does your man? Ha, no of course not. He say's it multiple times but I will only mention it once. I don't think some guy's realize what this simple act does for a woman.  Or how a negative word stay's in a woman's mind for years.

Being called ugly, or butch, or homely or things like that, after awhile it starts to sink in and she will start believing you. And right there you literally destroyed her confidence. And it could take years for her to rebuild it. Men like that are the reason women degrade themselves and start tearing down other women to make themselves feel good... and this vicious cycle continues. I think it's awful.

But no one person can change the world. Only change those in the world.. I've started ignoring the thoughts of others. Who gives a crap what some boy say's, as long as the people I care about think I'm beautiful or have a good personality I'm happy.

With "Him" I feel amazing. How does your man make you feel?

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