Thursday, April 2, 2015

Take your Meds

Have you ever just really enjoyed being by yourself yet your parents like it's a sin to just want to stay in your room all day and just enjoy the solitude. Why is there such a astigmatism around being a semi-introvert. 

Even the definition of Introvert is appealing!

 Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It's not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it's just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.

See completely innocent. But why is it people feel like they have to "Bring you out of shell" and shit. Well honestly, I like my shell, it's nice and comfy and people aren't jerks in there! In my little world, I have a horse, a husband, and a nice little cottage somewhere people are very very hard to find anywhere near me. 

And it's just such a great little place to live. And then people have to go and try dragging me kicking and screaming into the real world, where people are killing people and cutting fetus' out of pregnant ladies. And NO I'm not kidding this actually happened in my city, and I was just like, Oh-Em-Gee, that is the worst thing I've ever heard of in my life. And honestly I've seen stuff that no person should ever see. But just the thought of killing a baby, and nearly killing the mom (A FIRST TIME mom by the way) is just a HORRID thing to even imagine.

What would drive a person to do these things, what type of CRAZY are you? Or worse this other lady beheaded her newborn daughter on the kitchen table just because. Like, you carried your beautiful baby girl for nine months feeding her, protecting her, talking to her, the whole nine yards, then you just walk into the house and chop her little head off!

That's so horrible, and I hope both of these people really get some counseling and medication and hopefully some jail time.. I mean killing babies?

And yet somehow my friends and family still insist on wanting me to get into the world and make friends...? Um, no, no thank you. My awesome imaginary friends don't do these things. (No I don't have imaginary friends, but if I did... They wouldn't be killers)


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