Saturday, March 28, 2015

About Me/ The Dreaded First Post

So as this my second time with a Blog.
I plan on doing this one different.
Posting more, and ignoring the little voice in my head that tells whats right and wrong to say.
So there..

If your looking for a reasonable well thought out discussion, on things happening in the world.
Well, I can't promise I will give a thought out renditioning of it, just my opinion.
Which Lord knows, I'm too scattered brain to do.

I plan on posting about my life, what I see, feel and what I might hear others mention.
Whatever crosses my path.
I've missed writing a lot.
I always say I have no time too, or that it's lame.
But well, all I do now is watch Netflix, don't get me wrong, Netflix is my life blood after work or when I need a distraction..

But I used to read and draw, and I want to get back to that.
So I will.
I want to get back to what made me happy.

So Let's see about me, I'm 22 in a new stable relationship.
He's sweet, responsible, punctual, and spontaneous no matter what the situation he makes me smile whether outwardly or inner..
He's pretty brave honestly.
Dating him has made me miss things that made me truly happy.
Like writing, reading, and interacting with select individuals.
Dating me, well, must be really tiring.
One moment, I'm happy, next I'm pouting, next I'm bouncing around hyper as ever like a 5 year old on a Candy High.
He recently he described me as energetic and a fun handful.
I plan on taking that as a compliment, the latter anyways.

Usually when people first meet me, there's only a 50/50 shot you'll like me intially.
And I know that.
I just like everyone suffer from JUDGING A BOOK BY IT'S COVER.
We all do it.
Don't lie!
Your full of Bull, if you say you don't.
The fact the government had to make a law about during Job Interviews should bring to your attention that it's a REAL problem that we all fall prey too.

Unfortunately even with laws, were all going to do it, me especially.
Whether it be stereotypical. Or otherwise.
It's just what society teaches.
No way to avoid it, we can overcome, but hey to Err is to be human right?

When I first laid eyes on my significant other, I judged him, not in a bad way, but I had already heard  things about him. So I had a preconceived notion of him, his abilities as a worker and a person. See, without even knowing it, I felt I knew him.

Thankfully, everything I heard was good! He was described as smart, funny, strong and with the work ethics of a model employee. Do you know how many boys my age  I hear described like that? NONE. Not a single one. Even though some of them actually are! Which is sad. But made him all that more interesting as a person.

And just like that, I felt I had read his story without picking up the book.

Well in the end it worked out, because y'all noticed I called him my significant other.
But just remembering this I have to keep reminding myself that not all judgements are made to be final.

Because I must seem like such a downer when people meet me, well depressing or weird. I get weird a lot. The whole "Why don't you smile" stupid line a lot.

Listen we are not all HAPPY all the time, for some of us it's a struggle to show it outwardly. Even when we are happy.
I personally go through the struggle everyday, I can be smiling and cheerful, but inside be crying and screaming wishing someone would notice.
Or vice versa, Crying but feeling hopeful that one day I can fix this. And just be HAPPY.
I mean aren't we all hopeful that one day we'll be happy..?
Whether by ourselves, about ourselves or with others?

The whole American Dream right?
That's pretty much how the country got founded, looking for new beginnings and adventures!
Were all still looking, I know I am.
Hopefully, we'll all find it soon.
Or at least something that will get closer! 

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