Saturday, March 28, 2015

Who or what are you?

So am I the only who is still trying to figure what they want to be when they grow up?
Because I truly hope I'm not!
I'm 22 with a killer drive of being a know it all, and somewhat bossy at times.
I love animals, taking care of people, my family and friends, I'm outgoing yet shy.
And somehow have managed to beat the odds of having kids without being married, despite pretty much every girl my age and YOUNGER, having at least 2 kids by now.

Mine is attributed to the fact that I had a strong religious upbringing, and the fact that my father once told me if I ever came to him unwed and pregnant I'd be looking for new parents too. Well his words were a bit more explicit but for the sake some possible young viewers I won't type it.

But, besides my utter fear of my father, I was more afraid of ended up harming my family, and their reputation. I know, I know it sounds old school, but well that's how I was raised. You didn't embarrass your family period..I did NOT want to see my fathers my look of betrayal. Not so much my mom because well, I tend to do things to spite her because she irks me, GOD BLESS HER <3, But yeah, mostly daddy.

I love my father and mother, and not because God told me too, or because they keep reminding me what a brat I am, and continue to be.

But because they stand by me, even when honestly I'm pretty sure my father would have disowned his anyone for thing I've done, my parents forgive me, and accept me for the annoying child that they raised.

I may not be an angelic child, but I sure as hell ain't boring either! Just ask my father, I'm constantly amazing him at how much I'm like him, because well, he's more honest in my opinion, my mom is the nicest woman but she restrains herself from saying anything negative. And that ladies and gentlemen, drives me insane!

It's like physically impossible for most of us. But she manages to be positive and help others pretty much everyday. It's like her superpower, a weird one but for her it works.

Me and Daddy are as blunt as can be. Whereas she can smile and wave her issues away and just be all, positive -shudders- I did NOT inherit that trait. Thank God. I'm positive, but not nearly as much as my mom. Props to you Mommy!

So yeah, I have great parents that secretly drive me crazy, but that I love. NOBODY had better quote me on this. I will deny it. But yes I appreciate them, my dads never-ending stories, and my moms, positivity.

I pick up things from them both, that pretty much shaped me into the person I am today, I think they did a good job. I have a job, no baby-daddies , no STDs, great big mesh of family and guess what else a snappy sense of sarcasm.

Still not sure what I plan to be when I grow it, But I hope all the good people in my life help me along the way, and that the bad ones, show me exactly who NOT to be when I get older.

About Me/ The Dreaded First Post

So as this my second time with a Blog.
I plan on doing this one different.
Posting more, and ignoring the little voice in my head that tells whats right and wrong to say.
So there..

If your looking for a reasonable well thought out discussion, on things happening in the world.
Well, I can't promise I will give a thought out renditioning of it, just my opinion.
Which Lord knows, I'm too scattered brain to do.

I plan on posting about my life, what I see, feel and what I might hear others mention.
Whatever crosses my path.
I've missed writing a lot.
I always say I have no time too, or that it's lame.
But well, all I do now is watch Netflix, don't get me wrong, Netflix is my life blood after work or when I need a distraction..

But I used to read and draw, and I want to get back to that.
So I will.
I want to get back to what made me happy.